Hitisha Tech برنامه ها

Concrete Calculator 1.5
Hitisha Tech
Concrete calculator, calculator, calculation, formula,
Metal shape weight calculator 1.5
Hitisha Tech
Metal shape weight calculator, metal calculator
Tank volume calculator 1.6
Hitisha Tech
Tank volume calculator, calculation,formula,calculator,tank,volume
all physics formula 1.3
Hitisha Tech
all physics formula ,symbols, calculation, dictionary, mcq test
all physics formula 1.3
Hitisha Tech
all physics formula ,symbols, calculation, dictionary, mcq test
Electrical Formula 1.14
Hitisha Tech
Electrical Calculator This app is a gift for all Electrical/Electronics Engineering graduates and students. Now you don'tneedto remember all those complex formulas. This app contains alltheElectrical Engineering calculations and conversionsincludingVoltage, Current, Power, Efficiency, The usefulApplication for anelectrical calculator, which is able to calculatethe mostimportant electrical sizes. You can calculate and see theformulasthe Electrical Power, Electrical Resistance, ElectricalCharge,Electrical Work and Electrical Current. To be an electricianis notvery difficult, you just need to have little knowledge andstartwith your electrician training. Training is very importantbecausehere you will learn different things about being anelectrician andhow you have to perform like a pro. You can see theformulas forthe Electrical Power, Electrical Resistance, ElectricalWork,Electrical Current and Electrical Charge and ElectromotiveForce.One App for different electrical calculation, formula,dictionaryand symbol. This application is suitable for student andengineerto learn to use electrical formula. Not just that it'salsosuitable for anyone that interest in electronic andelectric.Thisapps consists many formula like: single phase to threephaseconverter electrical formulas power formula ohm's law formulapowerequation current formula how to calculate power currentequationhorsepower formula electrical energy formula electricalformulasand calculations 3 phase power formula 3 phase motorconvertconvert amps to kva basic electrical formulas unit ofelectricalpower electricity unit calculator electric converteronline unitconversion table unit conversion chart charge formula-ac to dcpower converter single three phase -Ohm's-Law calculatorformulasequation and explain -convert watts to amps calculatorconversionformula -convert amps to kw -Amps to VA or volt ampereformulas-Amps to watts formula -Amps to kW formulas -Amps to VAformulaelectrical -Amps to kVA electrical formulas -Amps tovoltscalculator -Amps to ohms formulas -Amps to mA ( milliamps) -mAtoamps convert -Watts to amps formulas -Watts to joulesformulas-Watts to volts formulas -Watts to VA formulas electrical-Watts tokVA formulas -Watts to Wh (watt hour) formulas -Watts tokWhformulas -Watts to kJ convert -Watts to lumens formula -Lumenstowatts formula -Lumens to lux formulas -Lux to lumens formulas-kWto amps formulas -kW to volts formulas -kW to Wh(watt-hour)formula -kW to kWh formula -kW to VA convert -kW to kVAor kilovoltamps formulas -kW to joules calculation formula -kW tokJ convert-Volts to amps -Volts to joules convert -Volts to watts-Volts tokW -Volts to ohms -Volts to eV electron volts -Ohms toamps -Ohmsto volts -Joules to watts -Joules to kW conversion-Joules to voltsconversion -kJ to watts calculation -kJ to kWformula -eV to voltscalculation -Wh to mAh calculation -Wh to wattscalculation -Wh tokW calculation -kWh to watts conversion -kWh tokW conversion-formula VA to amps -VA to watts conversion -VA to kWcalculator-VA to kVA equation -kVA to amps equation -kVA to wattsequation-kVA to kW equation -kVA to VA equation -Ah to mAh -mAh toAh -mAhto Wh equation Best tool for school and college! If you areastudent this app will help you to learn electricalengineering,electronics, electromagnetism and physics
All maths formulas 1.11
Hitisha Tech
All match formulas,formula, calculator,calculation, mathscalculation, maths